Saturday, May 1, 2010

Abbey, Edward. The Monkey Wrench Gang


“Docs Car carried other hex signs- He was indeed an decalcomaniac- toward of evil: the M.D.’s caduceus, American flag decals on each corner of the rear window, a gold-fringed flag dangling from the radio aerial, in one corner of the windshield a sticker which read “Member of A.B.L.E. – Americans for Better Law Enforcement,” and in the other corner the blue egale of the National Rifle Association with the traditional adage, “Register Communists, Not Guns.” ”

I found this one particular part not only very funny considering in the previous passage he had a trunk full of items to sabotage what ever he needed, but a funny way of looking at how people disguise themselves from who they really are to avoid getting certain unwanted attention. With the superficial world we live in today people get judged and profiled on the way they look so its easy to just disguise ourselves than have to deal with the B.S. of getting misunderstood. Even though some of us look a certain way it isn’t who we are and it would be a better world if we didn’t have to disguise ourselves all the time.

Abbey, Edward. The Monkey Wrench Gang. NY: Harper Perennial Modern Classics, 2006.

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